
10cc Look Hear Album Review

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In this video I will go over the band's 1980 album Look Hear? and show the credits.

Best song: "It Doesn't Matter At All"

Worst songs:
1 One-Two-Five
2 Welcome To The World
3 How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye
4 Don't Send We Back
5 I Took You Home
6 Dressed To Kill
7 Lovers Anonymous
8 I Hate To Eat Alone
9 Strange Lover
10 L.A. Inflatable

Here's the story:

Look Hear? is the seventh studio album by 10cc, released in 1980. It reached No. 35 in the UK and No. 180 in the United States. The album, recorded at the band's Strawberry Studios South in Dorking, Surrey, was the first by 10cc since its 1976 split to include songs written by neither Graham Gouldman or Eric Stewart.

The cover art, created by Hipgnosis, underwent significant alteration for the album's U.S. release: the prominent display of the words "Are you normal" was replaced by a photo of a sheep relaxing on a beach, a similar image of which had appeared only as a small insert on the UK cover.

The album was their first for their new label in the U. S., Warner Bros. Records.

Two singles were lifted from the album: "One Two Five (edit)"/"Only Child" and "It Doesn't Matter at All"/"From Rochdale to Ocho Rios" (B-side changed to "Strange Lover" for U.S. release). Only "One Two Five" would be released in the U. S., and it would fail to chart.

Both Gouldman and Stewart would later express their disappointment with the album's lukewarm reception, but they would also acknowledge that their hearts might not have been in it. At the time of its making, Stewart was still recovering from an automobile accident that left him with blindness in one eye and temporary hearing loss in one ear. They also admit that the hiatus the band was forced to go into following Stewart's accident was the beginning of the end, and that musical tastes had shifted in the interim.

  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 5.1.2019 16:20
  • Páči sa: 100% (1 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 19:55
  • Kategória: reklamy
  • Tagy: 1980, 10cc, rock, art rock, pop rock, art pop
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