
For You And I - 10cc - with sing - along karaoke lyrics

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For You and I is a 10cc single . It comes from their album Bloody Tourists .

The song is about the people who are good always comment on people who have bad and especially in the big context (The world is full of other people, we're quick to laugh when they've got troubles) . One would have to look around a bit more and take account of each other to make this world exist for everyone.

The single with on the b-side I'm Not in Love almost never reached the hit parade.

Eric Stewart: Lead Vocal, Electric Piano, Moog Trumpets, Polymoog Strings
Graham Gouldman: 6 String Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Electric Guitar
Rick Fenn: Moog Solo, Backing Vocals, Electric Guitar
Stuart Tosh: backing Vocals
Paul Burgess: Drums, Concert Bass Drums

  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 9.10.2018 17:52
  • Páči sa: 100% (1 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 6:57
  • Kategória: reklamy
  • Tagy: 10cc, pop music, ballad, 70s, 1978
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