
Tancovanie vo filmoch - kompilácia

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Kompilácia tancov zo všetkých možných filmov, dohromady cca 40. Výpis filmov nižšie. Nekontroloval som ich, ani nepočítal. Preto za nesprávny počet a nesprávne názvy neručím.

Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, White Nights, Perfect, Saturday Night Fever, Blue Skies, Pulp Fiction, High Fidelity, Clerks 2, American Pie, Billy Elliot, Footloose, True Lies, Grease, Honey, Phantom of the Opera, Step up, Step up 2, Moonwalker, West Side Story, Moulin Rouge, Mary Poppins, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Strictly Ballroom, Happy Feet, Singing in the Rain, Fame,Fame2009, Save the Last Dance, Mamma Mia, Mask of Zorro, Coyote Ugly, Wild Hogs, Get Smart, Airplane, A Knights Tale.

  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 7.9.2010 19:40
  • Páči sa: 83% (6 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 4
  • Komentárov: 2
  • Dľžka: 4:44
  • Kategória: film a tv
  • Tagy: tanec, film, dirty dancing, flashdance, white nights, perfect, saturday night fever, blue skies, pulp fiction, high fidelity, clerks 2, american pie, billy elliot, footloose, true lies, grease, honey, phantom of the opera, step up, step up 2, moonwalker, west side story, moulin rouge, mary poppins, 7 brides for 7 brothers, rocky horror picture show, strictly ballroom, happy feet, singing in the rain, fame, fame2009, save the last dance, mamma mia, mask of zorro, coyote ugly, wild hogs, get smart, airplane, a knights tale.
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Komentáre (2)
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  • helios pred 14 rokmi a 6 m

  • pucher pred 14 rokmi a 6 m
    Pulp Fiction jednoznačne naj :D 5*