
Hammer Fall - Hearts on Fire

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endy800 3 287 videní

HammerFall je švédska heavy/power metalová hudobná skupina založená gitaristom Oscarom Dronjakom v roku 1993. Zatiaľ vydala 6 radových albumov. K najväčším hitom patria piesne Last man standing, Hearts on fire, Renegade, Any means necessary, Hero´s return, Man on the silver mountain a Riders on the storm.

  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 20.6.2010 10:39
  • Páči sa: 80% (5 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 1
  • Komentárov: 2
  • Dľžka: 3:48
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: rock, srdce, kapela, ohen, spev, klip
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Komentáre (2)
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  • nick3 pred 13 rokmi a 10 m
    We saw the writings on the wall When heathens ruled above us all Tormented, we still heard the call You come to bring us down Wield the scepter, steal the crown Time on the throne is running out Cause seasons change but we are still the same Even though the cold winds blow, the fire burns inside Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Burning for the steel Hearts On Fire For years shunned by society Outcasts, condemned for our beliefs Our legions grew in secrecy And now, the time is here I see the Templars everywhere The Freedom Call is drawing near We hold our rebel banners up with pride The colours crimson and the Hammer is the sign Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Burning for the steel Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire......TEXT :)