Check out little Akai, bringing not just the moves but the cute to the Got To Dance stage! At just 10 years old this primary school boy is already beating people twice his age at dance competitions-10.ročny chalan vyhral celu sutaž v londyne
Akai - Amazing Dancer - Got To Dance Semi Final -Autor: babybang5 350 videní
Akai - Got to dance Final performance tremendousAutor: babybang2 809 videní
Akai-10 ročný tanečníkAutor: dancer2 750 videní
Got To Dance FINAL [JUKEBOX JUNIORS]Autor: babybang4 072 videní
veľmi talentovaný malý chlapec Got to DanceAutor: sda3 131 videní
Got To Dance - UNITY YOUTH [SEMI FINAL 3] *STREETAutor: babybang3 370 videní
Happiness: Got To Dance 2 Autor: dancer3 045 videní
Got To Dance - Amazing Diversity Flash Mob - Sky1Autor: babybang55 859 videní
Got To Dance - RAW EDGE [SEMI FINAL 2]Autor: babybang3 670 videní
Dream Dance vs Dance Industry Dance Battle GotAutor: sda3 207 videní
Got To Dance Semi Finals Round 1 Final PartAutor: babybang6 253 videní
8 - ročný Break DancerAutor: st3ve9 741 videní
David - Audition Got to Dance 2014Autor: sda3 889 videní