Katie Lee, a talented dancer from Toronto, but auditioning in Montreal, and doing a 1-minute popping-and-locking routine that includes the right moves, great musicality, the look and the character-So You Think You Can Dance! casting
Popping Tutorial Autor: littlpoppin5 848 videní
Amy Lee - With or Without YouAutor: homersimson4 309 videní
Hilty Bosch - Dance Locking And Popping ShowcaseAutor: sda4 024 videní
Mr. Fantastic vs. Pacman in a So You Think YouAutor: littlpoppin7 064 videní
India's got talent Dancing locking and popping[Autor: sda2 343 videní
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Locking Battle - Scramblelock & TreklockAutor: sda2 845 videní
Locking Final Scramblelock vs Treklock MontrealAutor: loking1 368 videní
Locking battle with Jeremy and Gemini vs P - LockAutor: babybang2 066 videní
CanadaAutor: jeremy226 231 videní
Locking - Showcase YUKARI LEEAutor: sda3 299 videní
Hilty & Bosch (Popping & Locking Urban DanceAutor: sda3 769 videní
Be friend with your body :)Autor: angelsclublife9 555 videní
littlpoppin pred 15 rokmi a 2 m
Breakin" film ktory Turbo, Ozone and Kelly dancing bol zadaj yotube.com napiš breakin a uvidiš film breakin tam hravala presne tato penička
littlpoppin pred 15 rokmi a 2 m
BarKays - Freakshow On The Dance Floor -mp3
hhaha pred 15 rokmi a 2 m
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