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  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 14.3.2009 8:46
  • Páči sa: 90% (10 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 8
  • Komentárov: 14
  • Dľžka: 4:10
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: dance, with, somebody
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Komentáre (14)
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  • dalma1231 pred 13 rokmi a 8 m
    Môj song ..perfect

  • spacemanspliff pred 15 rokmi a 5 m
    Mando Diao shows some new style - and I love it!!! This song is just perfect for every party to fill the dancefloor . It is a real catchy tune and the video with its nice retro-optic fits absolutely perfect to the song. If you like it, you should listen to the related album "Give Me Fire", too.

  • kwoc pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    simply perfect!!!naozaj bezchybny letny song=))*

  • nathi pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    I like its danceable rythm, the video is full of a new mando style but it is still great. so lets dance ;-)

  • therese1 pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    This song is one of my favorites :D I got so happy when I hear this song :D Love it

  • adan pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    excellent video is the magnific

  • winkeli pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    what a brilliant song and what a great video! song of the year! hope for some new mando-stuff soon! winkeli

  • sophyyyy pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    Great video!!! cool and funny!!!

  • danuska48 pred 15 rokmi a 6 m
    pecka ako vždy! Mando diao proste vie ako na to :D

  • pyroztek88 pred 15 rokmi a 7 m
    Zboznujem tuto piesen, je taka rajcovna a taha do tanca... wow :)