
Orlando Riva Sound - Indian Reservation

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They took the whole Cherokee nation
Put us on this reservation
Took away our wya of life
The tomahawk and the bow and knife.

They took away our native tongue
Taught their English to a young
And all the beets we made by hand
Are nowadays made in Japan.

Cherokee people
Cherokee tribes
So proud to live
So proud to die

They took the whole Indian nation
Put us on this reservation
And so they change our way of home
They'll never change our heart and soul

  • Kvalita: HD NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 11.8.2024 13:48
  • Krajina: Rakúsko 🇦🇹
  • Páči sa: 0% (1 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 3:55
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: disco, dance, trance, rakúsko
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