
Tom MacDonald - Ghost

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lordmmx 6 828 videní

I've seen a hundred grand in cash
I’ve took the trip to hell and back
I've been around, never saw nothing like you
And I've seen lights up in the sky
And I’ve seen ghosts alone at night
I've seen some things but they
Were nothing like you
Till I walk through walls
Till I walk through walls
I wanna be with you
Cause I'm here with you, oh oh
I've seen things I swear to god
That I still can't explain
I've been way too drunk and way too high
Been dancin' in the rain
I've seen butterflies and babies cry
And still until this day
Ain’t seen nothin’ that's quite like you
’Till I'm a ghost
I'll give all my life to you
And when I'm a ghost
I will always be your boo
I’ve seen the country far and wide
I meet my heroеs all the time
I've been around, nеver saw nothing like you
And I've held diamonds in my hands
I've got a couple million fans
I've met some folks
But they were nothin' like you
Till I walk through walls
Till I walk through walls
I wanna be with you
Cause I'm here with you, oh oh
I've seen things I swear to god
That I still can't believe
I've seen shooting stars and crystal balls
And magic in the breeze
I've seen Paris, I've seen London
I have been weak in the knees
Ain't seen nothin' that's quite like you
'Till I'm a ghost
I'll give all my life to you
And when I'm a ghost
I will always be your boo
'Till it burns down, 'till the world ends
'Till it's all gone, 'till my last breath
'Till I leave town
'till there's nothing left
'Till I'm in the ground
'Till I'm a ghost
I'll give all my life to you
And when I'm a ghost
I will always be your boo 'Till I'm a ghost
I'll give all my life to you
And when I'm a ghost
I will always be your boo

  • Kvalita: Full HD HD NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 18.4.2023 11:51
  • Krajina: Spojené štáty, USA 🇺🇸
  • Páči sa: 0% (0 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 1
  • Dľžka: 3:20
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: tom macdonald, ghost, people so stupid, rap, pop, hiphop, sheeple
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