
9/11:Dôkazy explózií - Architekti prehovorili SK titulky REUPLOA

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moriaq 1 690 videní

9/11: Dôkazy explózií - Architekti prehovorili SK titulky 2012

  • Kvalita: NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 27.3.2020 16:09
  • Páči sa: 100% (2 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 2
  • Dľžka: 58:37
  • Kategória: šokujúce
  • Tagy: 9 11, demolicia, insidejob, slobodomurari, cia, jews, thermite, dokazy, explozie sk titulky, 2012, dokument
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Komentáre (2)
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  • moriaq pred 3 rokmi a 5 m
    Most of people have no clue by whom and how was done so called "inside job" look up for "E-Team"(explosives team) it was an foreigner isisraeli students "artist" who lived(sleep over night) and occupied both towers for couple months prior to "demolition" they occupy exact same building levels/floors where planes makes impact. Also don't forgets as since January 2001 both towers had many "incidents" where most people from buildings had to leave building due to power "blackouts" or weird and often "maintenance" of elevators and shafts, which elevators doesn't operate for few days and people had to use stairs instead ...and also many many reports from people who worked in buildings and they testified after 9/11 as they heard some weird sounds of drilling at floors where was restricted entrance for normal people from offices etc. . and there only were allowed "workers" from unknown company, also people notice lot of "dust" comes into theirs offices trough ventilation , or reports about odd workers what were doing

  • moriaq pred 4 rokmi a 10 m
    Even if some debris hit WTC 7, it was a minimal amount. The twin towers collapsed into their own footprints at free fall speed, as did building 7 hours later. There have been dozens, if not hundreds, of expert engineers that have spoken out about all three buildings being controlled demolitions. There are photos of beams from the twin towers cut at 45 degree angles. There are satellite photos shower molten metal in the wreckage days after the attacks, when the fires from Jet fuel are nowhere near hot enough to melt steel. If you defend the official story of 9/11, you are compliant in terrorism. Terrorism committed by the United States and Israeli governments in a blatant false flag operation to cultivate public support for wars of aggression and American-Israeli imperial interests in the middle east to secure energy (oil) resources. I know it's cliche to say this, but WAKE THE FUCK UP. Start thinking for yourself, for the love of god before it's too late.