
Donna Summer - Try Me, I Know We Can Make It

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Note: This is the new pop edit version of this song, clocked at approximately 5 minutes and 36 seconds while the full suite progressive disco version is clocked at 17 minutes and 57 seconds.

Try Me, I Know We Can Make It is a song by American singer and songwriter Donna Summer from her third studio album A Love Trilogy album released in 1976. Summers breakthrough had come in the form of the disco song Love to Love You Baby which in its entirety lasted almost seventeen minutes and took up the entire first side of the album of the same name. Due to its success (and also its success as a 12 maxi single) the format was repeated with the next album and with this song. In fact, Try Me, I Know We Can Make It actually lasted even longer than Love To Love You Baby, clocking in at eighteen minutes. Edited versions were also released on the 7 single format.

The song peaked at number eighty on the American pop chart and number thirty-five on the soul chart.[1] It was more popular with disco audiences, however, becoming Summers second number one single on the dance chart in May 1976 and remaining atop that chart for three weeks.[2] The song also peak #6 in Spain singles charts and #22 in Spain Radio chart.[3]

Donna Summer lead vocals, composer
Giorgio Moroder composer, producer and synthesizer
Pete Bellotte composer, producer
Girl-Group Backing vocals: Madeline Bell, Sunny Leslie, Sue Glover (the Midnite Ladies)

Other musicians on this album were known collectively as Munich Machine and worked on a variety of Moroder/Bellotte productions from this period. Munich Machine are:
Thor Baldursson keyboards and string arrangements
Frank Diez, Gunther Moll guitar
Keith Forsey drums
Martin Harrison percussion
Gary Unwin bass guitar

Producers: Giorgio Moroder, Pete Bellotte
Engineer: Juergen Koppers, Mack & Hans
Musical arrangements: Giorgio Moroder and Thor Baldurson

  • Kvalita: NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 11.10.2018 16:49
  • Páči sa: 100% (1 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 5:36
  • Kategória: reklamy
  • Tagy: donna summer, pop music, disco music, 1976, girl-group, 70s
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