
Antonia Marabou

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Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather! With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania. Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania. The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world. Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more. We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update "FreshlyBaked" playlist every Wednesday while "SuperWeekend" is updated every Friday. Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

  • Kvalita: Full HD HD NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 17.12.2017 12:43
  • Páči sa: 75% (4 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 1
  • Komentárov: 1
  • Dľžka: 3:46
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: gngcfujx t, uj
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Komentáre (1)
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  • polamana pred 7 rokmi a 2 m
    pekná skladba,,,spoznala som ju pred rokmi, ked som si dala vyhladať čo znamená marabu....a to všetko preto, lebo tu chodieval užívateľ s týmto nickom :)