
Young Lean - Yoshi City

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Stockholm city we're burned out
Yoshi city we burn it down
I guess it's my turn now
Smoking loud i'm a lonely cloud
I'm a lonely cloud, with my windows down
I'm a lonely, lonely, I'm a lonely, lonely [x2]

[Verse: 1]
Be the only hope I got left
Blessed with a success
Fuck stress i'm gonna trust the best
I'm nervous that shes so upset
She don't want me, bitch i'm flustered
I'm an aristocrat without the progress
Roses all on her wedding dress, blood from her mouth, i'm a mess
Alien faces everywhere I go
Downtown bitch that's where I smoke
Got my heart next to my phone
Do or die? stupid high
Lonely nights, finna sacrifice
Fuck your life I need mine
I'll take yours and rewind
Walk in my shoes you'll see why
Fuck your horde don't reply
Sad boys bitch we world wide
Grey sweatshirt, L size
Wakizashi and grape Nikes
Fuck norms, fuck a normal life
Fuck norms I'll break em out
Yerno Blood, that's what I said
Lean, lean, lean you got it in your head
Like a disease you know I spread, I can't sleep with out you on my bed
Yoshi city , that's the town
All me, I came up now
Sad boys, gonna burn it down
Windows down, face out
Squad out when we riding out
We riding out

Stockholm city we're burned out
Yoshi city we burn it down
I guess it's my turn now
Smoking loud i'm a lonely cloud
I'm a lonely cloud, with my windows down
I'm a lonely, lonely, I'm a lonely, lonely

  • Kvalita: NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 1.11.2015 11:40
  • Páči sa: 100% (1 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 3:45
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: young lean, kyoto, stockholm, trap
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