
Spišský hrad z vtáčej perspektívy

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Spiš Castle was built in the 12th century on the site of an earlier castle. It was the political, administrative, economic and cultural centre of Szepes County[1] of the Kingdom of Hungary. Before 1464, it was owned by the kings of Hungary, afterwards (until 1528) by the Zápolya family, the Thurzó family (1531--1635), the Csáky family (1638--1945), аnd (since 1945) by the state of Czechoslovakia then Slovakia.

Originally a Romanesque stone castle with fortifications, a two-story Romanesque palace and a three-nave Romanesque-Gothic basilica were constructed by the second half of the 13th century. A second extramural settlement was built in the 14th century, by which the castle area was doubled. The castle was completely rebuilt in the 15th century; the castle walls were heightened and a third extramural settlement was constructed. A late Gothic chapel was added around 1470. The Zápolya clan performed late Gothic transformations, which made the upper castle into a comfortable family residence, typical of late Renaissance residences of the 16th and 17th centuries. The last owners of the Spiš Castle, the Csáky family, abandoned the castle in the early 18th century because they considered it too uncomfortable to live in. They moved to the newly built nearby village castles/palaces in Hodkovce near Žehra and Spišský Hrhov. In 1780, the castle burned down, and has been in ruins ever since. The castle was partly reconstructed in the second half of the 20th century, and extensive archaeological research was carried out on the site. The reconstructed sections house displays of the Spiš Museum.

Edit: LS production

music: Hans Zimmer - Time (Tony UFO Dubstep Slow House mix)

  • Kvalita: HD NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 8.3.2014 13:49
  • Páči sa: 100% (3 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 1
  • Dľžka: 3:22
  • Kategória: cestovanie
  • Tagy: spišský hrad, letecké zábery, vtáčia perspektíva, spiš castle, fly team, go pro hero 2
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