The IS-8 is a Soviet tier 9 heavy tank.
The development of the vehicle was started in 1949 by the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. At the design stage the vehicle was designated as Object 730. In 1950 a preproduction batch of 10 vehicles was launched. In 1953, before the tank entered service, it was redesignated as the IS-8. The vehicle was adopted for service in the second half of 1953 under the designation T-10. The number of produced vehicles varies from 2500 to 8000 according to different sources.
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dareo pred 11 rokmi a 3 m
celá vývojová vetva od KV1 až po IS-7 je super.....vyskúmal som to rýchlejšie ako nemeckú vetvu od Pz IV po E100
mechale pred 11 rokmi a 3 m
to s cim si to hral? to jak si to hral, ze pozeras niekde uplne inde a delo sa ti otaca dakde zase inde. lebo jedine ked sa tak obzeram je pri stisnutom pravom tlacitku a aj to sa veza potom nehybe.
tomyangello pred 11 rokmi a 3 m
no mne sa snou hralo dobre hlavne do delo je super
marecek14 pred 11 rokmi a 3 m
popisu nechapem načo to davaš po anglicky moc angličanov tu neni :D inak IS-8 je podla mna nanič (v hre)