
Beethoven's 5 Secrets - OneRepublic (Cello/Orchestral Cover) - T

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Arrangement written and produced by Al van der Beek & Steven Sharp Nelson
Orchestrated by Kayson Brown & Steven Sharp Nelson
Performed by
American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic, under the direction of Kayson Brown
Additional violin work by Julie Ann Nelson (Steven's wife!) & Matthew John Nelson (Steven's brother!)
Steven Sharp Nelson: Acoustic cello, electric cellos, percussion, vocal textures
Al van der Beek: Vocal textures, percussion
Secrets originally written by Ryan Tedder, published by SONY/ATV TUNES LLC
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Opus 67 written by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1804-1808 and debuted in Vienna's Theater an der Wien in 1808
Orchestra recorded at MetCom Studios (
All other instruments recorded by Al van der Beek at TPG Studios
Mixed and Mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studio
Video produced by Paul Anderson & Tel Stewart

  • Kvalita: NQ LQ
  • Zverejnené: 27.3.2013 10:49
  • Páči sa: 100% (5 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 1
  • Komentárov: 0
  • Dľžka: 5:31
  • Kategória: hudba
  • Tagy: beethoven's, 5 secret, one republic, thepianoguys, the piano guys, piano, guys, piano guys, paul anderson, tel stewart, tpg studio
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