Metalcore kapela : You Call That A Knife This Is A Knife! Capture The Crown
Bring Me The Horizon ft. BABYMETAL - KingslayerAutor: lordmmx16 831 videní
All That Remains - This CallingAutor: corey2 561 videní
Volbeat - The Devil's Bleeding CrownAutor: lordmmx26 599 videní
All That Remains - Become the CatalystAutor: homersimson2 418 videní
Prince Karma - Later B!*chesAutor: meshty9535 124 videní
All That Remains - The Weak WilledAutor: homersimson5 612 videní
Full Metal Alchemist This is WarAutor: sebas18199916 179 videní
Cstle in the SkyAutor: andy19992 438 videní
Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]Autor: foxyk68 520 videní
All That Remains - SixAutor: homersimson2 804 videní
All That Remains - Empty InsideAutor: homersimson3 799 videní
FROZEN CROWN - I Am The TyrantAutor: elpitooo3 823 videní
Lordi - This is Heavy MetalAutor: draconius8 577 videní
danniel pred 10 rokmi a 11 m
Kapela : Capture The Crown
Pieseň : You Call That A Knife? This Is A Knife!
darkwolf666 pred 12 rokmi a 8 m
Osobne si myslim ze toto je uz vazne pozerina...znie to a vyzera dost divne...nejak ma neohurili...