
Battlefield 3 sniper frag movie

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His is my Battlefield 3 beta moments for october 6th 2011. I use the recon class in this frag movie with the weapon M40A5 and sv98. The map being played is Operation Metro.

My experience with the sniper rifles in fps games are solid. I remember when i played the early beta on counter-strike with the AWP. That was the good old days :)

Enjoy the frag movie! :)

  • Kvalita:
  • Zverejnené: 2.1.2012 8:31
  • Páči sa: 50% (2 hlasov)
  • Obľúbené: 0
  • Komentárov: 4
  • Dľžka: 4:59
  • Kategória: zábavné
  • Tagy: battlefield 3, battlefield, frag, movie, hra, hry, fun, sniper, bf3, bf, combat.dice, ea, ea games
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Komentáre (4)
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  • dead7704 pred 13 rokmi a 2 m
    Ja sniperov v battlefielde 3 nenavydim.